E6: Garden Chat with Brian from Never Enough Dirt

E6: Garden Chat with Brian from Never Enough Dirt

Brian joins me to chat about his gardening journey, his urban garden space, being purpose minded and his kitchen garden “must haves”. You can connect with Brian on Instagram @neverenoughdirt. He also has a website and YouTube channel.


During the episode, we chatted briefly about seed starting. There are many different ways to start your seeds from repurposing containers from around your home to buying seed starting materials and supplies. On our mini farm, we use a variety of supplies including square 3.5 inch pots, seed starting coconut coir pellets and non-woven seed starting bags. We also use heavy duty 10X20 growing trays to hold everything. Heavy duty is a must when it comes time to move them around and harden off the seedlings. Don’t forget to label your seeds as you go. Happy seed starting!


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