E10: Hydroponics – The Kratky Method

E10: Hydroponics – The Kratky Method

Mike from Grow Happy Gardening joins our podcast to talk about the Kratky Method. Here are the 6 things that you will need to try this method:

  1. container/reservoir (you can use any container from a 5 gallon bucket to a 32 ounce mason jar)
  2. plastic cup with holes that will hold the plant and allow the roots to dip into the water (Mike uses 3” inch net cups with a wide-mouth mason jar.)
  3. seedling
  4. inert substrate to anchor the plant in the cup (clay pebbles, gravel or perlite)
  5. water
  6. nutrients (Mike uses Blue Planet Nutrients)


If you would like more information about the Kratky Method, check out this book.


You can connect with Mike on Instagram @growhappygardening.


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